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Saying that you're tired


In German, there are various ways to express that you are tired, each with its own nuance and context of usage. The most straightforward way to say "I'm tired" is "Ich bin müde." This phrase is suitable for everyday conversations and can be used in both formal and informal settings. For example, after a long day at work, you might say, "Ich bin müde und gehe ins Bett," which translates to "I'm tired and going to bed."

For a slightly stronger expression, you can say "Ich bin erschöpft," meaning "I'm exhausted." This phrase is used when you feel extremely tired, often after intense physical or mental exertion. An example would be, "Nach dem Marathon bin ich völlig erschöpft," translating to "After the marathon, I am completely exhausted."

When you want to describe a temporary state of tiredness, "Ich bin kaputt" is a colloquial way to say "I'm beat" or "I'm worn out." This expression is informal and commonly used in casual conversations. You might use it after a busy day, saying, "Nach dem Umzug bin ich total kaputt," meaning "After the move, I am totally worn out."

Another idiomatic expression is "Ich bin fix und fertig," which means "I'm done in" or "I'm completely spent." This phrase conveys a sense of being overwhelmed by fatigue. For example, "Nach dem langen Arbeitstag bin ich fix und fertig" translates to "After the long workday, I am completely spent."

In more casual settings, you might hear "Ich bin hundemüde," which literally translates to "I am dog-tired." This colorful idiom emphasizes a deep level of tiredness, akin to how a dog might feel after a long day of activity. An example usage would be, "Nach der Wanderung bin ich hundemüde," meaning "After the hike, I am dog-tired."

If you want to express a more general sense of fatigue without specifying the cause, "Ich fühle mich schlapp" can be used, meaning "I feel sluggish" or "I feel weak." This phrase is appropriate when you want to convey a lack of energy. For instance, "Heute fühle ich mich schlapp und unmotiviert," translates to "Today, I feel sluggish and unmotivated."